Jen Psaki Blows Fuse Over Biden’s Mental Fitness
Jen Psaki’s Face As Dem Strategist Blows Fuse Over Biden’s Mental Fitness
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LOL. What B.S. Hypocrite. At one time Psaki was the press secretary for Lying Corrupt Quid Pro KING Joe. Psaki knew what was going on with Corrupt Quid Pros mental State. What was the alternative. keeping quiet about Corrupt Quid Pro, and keeping the Status Quo in charge (Marxist Obama and his political plants in the W/H), or Kamala Harris taking over the reigns? Not too promising. Harris is just as incompetent as Corrupt Quid Pro, even more so. Neither one of them belong in the W/H. KJP after her W/H stint, will eventually wind up on one Main Street Medias disinformation and propaganda outlets, like CNN or MSNBC.