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Will Old Clothes Solve Oakland Crime?

462 Views· 03/27/24
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ChuckYooFarly 10 months ago

They would have done better if they had opened a clothing store for fat people. Non-fat people can find clothes anywhere. If you are fat, just try and find a pair of pants size 3XL to 8 XL at any store in any town.

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ChuckYooFarly 10 months ago

No good deed goes unpunished. These sellers of old clothes will have their store broken into and robbed, just like every other business.
What will the criminals do when there's no businesses left in California to steal from? They will migrate to other States and steal them blind too.
Time to quit being soft on criminals and swiftly execute. The prisons are full, the taxpayers have to foot the bill and some Leftist Judge will just let them go with no bond and an ankle bracelet.

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