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The Dystopian Governor of NY Is basically ordering a MINISTRY of TRUTH for public schools

648 Views· 11/22/23
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⁣The Governor of NY Is basically ordering a ministry of truth for public schools

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BrotherGuy45 6 months ago

that predator in new York city is the devil..parents if you love your children and you know dam well that God created Adam & Eve AND NOT Adam & Steve pay attention to these sick evil democrooks who are brainwashing your children to think just as sick as these democrooks do..these are predators who are pushing their sick perverted fantasies on innocent children..these teachers should be fired ASAP..you need to vote these sick evil predators out of office..vote republician..TRUMP is the one to go after these sick evil predators who are destroying the unitedstates..just look at them allowing all these diseased infested illegals into the unitedstates..these democrooks dont give a flying crap about the American people or America..they have proved it for the last 70 years...these democrooks have been robbing the American people and America...this child molester crooked biden should be in jail..he is a predator..just ask his own daughter who crooked biden abused when she was a small child....lock that lowlife crooked biden up where that P O S belongs..he has given ukrane billions and billions of American tax payiers money..fk ukrane.. the American people should always come first above anything else after God o'course....these democrooks and elites are predators who dont give a flying poop about the American people and America..just look at this P O S crooked biden has let in over 10 million illegals..they have the gall to house these infested diseased illegals free housing and giving them 350.00 a week for food..are you kidding me?? mean while the American people who are legal arenot getting anything excepted robbed by these corrupt democrooks..notice all democrook run states all go soft on crime..are they that stupid??? that proves they want these criminals to harm the American people..these corrupt evil sick predators are out to harm you..vote these lowlife maggots out of office..what a disgrace....they have destroyed new York city with all these illegals..California is a dumping cesspool of infested illegals..all democrooks states are high in crime..they are letting these illegals who have raped children walk free..let these illegals rape these democrooks family members and let's see how fast they lock them up..but when it happens to any American they do nothing..that is how sick and evil these corrupt democrooks are..they are the devil..they rule under satan...vote these lowlife maggots out of office..we must deport every illegal..they arenot welcome here..you love your country then prove it..vote these corrupt democrooks out of office...vote TRUMP 2024 .. we must put these sick evil predators where they belong in jail...corrupt democrooks and rino's lock them up..anyone caught rigging any election we must pass a law to have them shot..that would stop them from rigging any election ever again...these democrooks have always rigged elections..they just got caught with TRUMP..the proof is still being found...TRUMP did win 2020..we the American people will not ever let these democrooks ever get away with another rigged election ever again...it will be the last thing anyone ever does...they should be shot on the spot..samething with these illegals harming anyone..locked and loaded...protect the American people and America..deport everyone of these infested diseased illegals ASAP...FJB...

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