Ted Cruz destroys Mark Zuckerberg over child s*xu*l exploitation material
Ted Cruz destroys Mark Zuckerberg over child s*xu*l exploitation material
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He's a pos JUST like the Chink Tok CEO! This is his SECOND trial yet again NOTHING will get done about social media sites! They can censor cheated election or poison vax posts, but NOT porn or child abuse?! It's a very sad day in America when people who believe EXACTLY like us Conservatives, but WON'T get off (deactivate) fascistbook, twatter, or chink tok! Along with stop shopping for GOOD at Starbucks, Target, Anheuser Busch products, Pedo Disney, and stop buying coke??! Nor will people STOP allowing themselves to be tested for rona when PCR tests were done away with a long time ago and rapid ones have carcinogens in them!!! That's why NOTHING changes!!! So in my opinion people need to stop bitching! Put people OUT of business and QUIT thinking these little trials or 2 week boycotts are going to get them to straighten up! They are ALL woke Libtards and won't EVER change! Too much money in pandering to the Left and knowing the Right eventually come back!