"The Donald Trump and MAGA Plan for the Border
NEW: Congressman Robert Garcia (
) of California EXPLODES: "The Donald Trump and MAGA plan for the border: Alligator moats, bombing northern Mexico, shooting migrants in the legs, and electrifying the fence and putting spikes on them."
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Our Government has been infiltrated with a bunch of Satan worshippers (a.k.a DemoRats, Leftists, homosexuals,) and assorted 3rd world trash who show NO loyalty to this country and are only interested in what benefits their old country. DemoRats support DemoRats, Mexicans support Mexicans. Mozlems support Mozlems. Blacks support Blacks. I can't wait until they turn on each other.
Where did you get the idea that Trump/MAGA said any of those things? And even if they did, it's the right thing to do. When these unwanted, uninvited, disease infested, raping, ,murdering, 3rd-worlders show up on your front door and break in, you will wish there were gators in the river.