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Pooh Shiesty Popularizes Criminal Friendly Fashion in San Francisco

71 Views· 04/21/24
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ChuckYooFarly 10 months ago

Joel Umanzor looks like a Mozlem thug. Who needs a mask when you have that much hair on your face?

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ChuckYooFarly 10 months ago

Shiesty mask = Ski mask. They just renamed it . Useless thugs.
Those thugs probably can't read above a 3rd grade level. And, I'm sick and tired of that shitty Rap "music". It's been in our faces for what?? 40 years??? It was garbage when it first came out and it hasn't gotten any better. It should be outlawed.
If running around stark naked with a potato tied to your dick (dictator) became popular, would everyone do it as a fashion statement????? Idiots. Stupid sheep. I'm so sick of these "woke", Leftist Black & foreign thugs.
I hate it when people try to normalize or excuse thuggery. Like when guys started wearing their pants sagging down to their knees. That "fad" came from prison. It was a signal to everyone that the were okay with being sodomized.
The thugs think they can do whatever they want with impunity: spraying graffiti all over everything, burning down businesses, buying, selling, doing drugs, flash-mob robberies, shootings, stabbings, rapings, murderings, squatting, child trafficking.
Fck those people.

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