‘Not a daycare:’ 12 arrested during student protests at 2 Florida universities
‘Not a daycare:’ 12 arrested during student protests at 2 Florida universities
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Not only should they be arrested, but their diplomas and school records should be burned in front of them.
Hamas launched the first Qassam-1 rocket attack in October 2001, during the Second Intifada. The first time Palestinians launched rockets into Israel, rather than at an Israeli settlement in the Gaza Strip, occurred on February 10, 2002.
What is Hamas? of Israel. Since 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza have launched over 20,000 rockets and mortars at Israel, carried out more than one hundred suicide bombings, and dug dozens of terror tunnels into Israeli communities—all at the expense of the people of Gaza.
The pro-Palestinian protesters should be shipped off to some Mozlem dominated country where they will be raped and beheaded.
These protestors are SO stupid that they don't understand, that the people they are supporting, are the same ones that want to cut off their heads.