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JDVance "This is a little creepy" Talks Deep State With Charlie Kirk

1,221 Views· 07/25/24
9 Subscribers

⁣Kamala HQ is lying (shocker). Here's the full clip from my interview with JD Vance discussing the Democrat coup against Joe Biden:

"You had a bunch of Democrat billionaires get in a room with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and decide that the president of the United States wasn't allowed to run again. If that isn't a threat to democracy, I don't know what is."

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Jerubbesheth 6 months ago

Never mind the Deep State. Anyone with common sense knows, that there is a shadow government controlled by Marxist Obama and his plants in the W/H. J needs to concentrate on winning the election, Think before he opens up his mouth w/derogatory remarks, as not to offend anyone and lose their vote. Though I do think the liberal commie Democrats, will pull the same B.S. that they pulled in the last election. It's in the Democrat playbook, to lie steal and cheat, doesn't matter how one wins, just win. Watch, wait and see, if Trump gets 81 million votes, somehow I suspect that Horizontal Harris will come up w/81 million 50,000 votes.

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mesena8187 6 months ago

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