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Gregg Abbott Rolls Right Over Free Speech

296 Views· 04/01/24
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ChuckYooFarly 5 months ago

Good for Governors Abbott and DeSantis. Send the illegal-alien-invaders to the homes and neighborhoods of all the virtue-signaling rich azzholes who think taking in this third-world-trash is the humane thing to do.

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ChuckYooFarly 5 months ago

Are we afraid of Islamists??? No. They just make us sick. They are filthy, Satanic, idol-worshiping demons.
Do we hate them??? Absolutely. They are raping, murdering, terrorists. What's to like?, and their supporters are brainwashed idiots.
Every place Mozlems go, they destroy. They sneak into free western countries pretending to be harmless until their numbers increase and then they start their Jihad against the "kuffar" (non-Islamic people) They go on a raping/murdering Jihad, and have been on a raping/murdering Jihad for over 1400+ years. Look what they did to England, Germany, France, Sweden and the other free western countries. They'll rape anything that breathes because their unholy book the Quran tells them to: "Slay the infidels wherever you find them." They consider any non-Islamic to be an infidel. No one is safe from being molested by a Mozlem: not men, boys, women, girls, babies, animals and even the dead. If there's a hole, they will bang it, like knot holes in trees and tail pipes of cars. I saw an article with picture of a Mozlem, banging a dead donkey. Those people are sick fkers.

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