🚨BREAKING: President Trump says he is voting NO on Florida's Amendment 4, which would legalize
🚨BREAKING: President Trump says he is voting NO on Florida's Amendment 4, which would legalize late term abortion even through the 9th month:
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I don't get it. Chopping up/Murdering little helpless babies is okay but executing convicted (or not), adult, murderers and rapists is wrong??????
Some people are really fcked up in the head.
Completely agree with Trump on this one. Six weeks isn't enough time to know you're pregnant and get an abortion. I'd like to see a longer cutoff, say 12-15 weeks.
I'm also against adding a Constitutional amendment for abortion (I live in Florida). This is gamesmanship like the Democrats do - put it in the Constitution so nobody can change it later. I think that they should make it a law and then future generations can decide if they want to change it.