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🚨BREAKING: President Trump says he is voting NO on Florida's Amendment 4, which would legalize

145 Views· 08/30/24
Eric Thompson
Eric Thompson
8 Subscribers

⁣🚨BREAKING: President Trump says he is voting NO on Florida's Amendment 4, which would legalize late term abortion even through the 9th month:

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ChuckYooFarly 2 months ago

I don't get it. Chopping up/Murdering little helpless babies is okay but executing convicted (or not), adult, murderers and rapists is wrong??????
Some people are really fcked up in the head.

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AttilaTheHun 6 months ago

Completely agree with Trump on this one. Six weeks isn't enough time to know you're pregnant and get an abortion. I'd like to see a longer cutoff, say 12-15 weeks.

I'm also against adding a Constitutional amendment for abortion (I live in Florida). This is gamesmanship like the Democrats do - put it in the Constitution so nobody can change it later. I think that they should make it a law and then future generations can decide if they want to change it.

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