American Veteran Kate Monroe Exposing San Diego California Looking Like A 3rd World Country
American Veteran Kate Monroe Exposing San Diego California Looking Like A 3rd World Country
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Every single city in the country will look just as bad. I can see it happening in my town as we speak. I live in the Midwest in one of those "fly over states" that no one wanted to live in. We were mocked and kicked to the curb. Now suddenly we look pretty good. Clean streets, no homeless bums camping out wherever, stores that aren't ransacked,...........until lately. Now I have homeless bums walking by my house every day. Crime has increased. Kweerz took over one whole area of town. The illegal-alien-invaders are being flown in, in the middle of the night, by order of poopy-pantz Biden.
A big F.U. to the DemoRats and Leftists that let this happen.