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⁣American Ryan Watson stuck in Turks and Caicos jail and facing 12 years in prison after airport sta

268 Views· 04/24/24
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⁣American Ryan Watson stuck in Turks and Caicos jail and facing 12 years in prison after airport staff found four rounds of ammo in his luggage as he tried to return home - 'It was an innocent mistake!'

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ChuckYooFarly 9 months ago

Other countries can throw Americans in jail for nothing, (did the bullets jump up on their own and kill anyone??? Was there a gun???) but the U.S. can't throw its thugs and illegal-alien-invaders in jail even when they steal, rape and murder. I will never visit a foreign country. They can all go Fck themselves. Oh. And Fck Ukraine and Palestine, Biden and the DemoRats too. SCUM!!

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MsChz 9 months ago

Agreed Chuck! Add I just read an illegal alien breaks into Michigan home and rapes 2 thirteen year olds. Nothing will happen to him except maybe deportation in which the pos will walk right back across the Border to REOFFEND and probably kill next time so there are no witnesses! Like my husband always says if we had daughters and someone raped them there'd be no need for a trial nor deportation.

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MsChz 9 months ago

And I'll add...Americans need to quit vacationing in countries AND STATES where they hate us and are dangerous! Everytime I read someone going to Cancun, etc and wind up missing I think...you know it's advised for Americans to not travel to Mexico etc!! We told a couple that recently and they both said...oh it's safe where we go... Famous last words. We constantly hear that on ID shows too...we had a safe community where no one locked their house orcar doors. I always think...but you do now I bet you and wished you'd always had! I grew up in the 70's+. I was in the early 80's in jr high. My mom was single and would always laugh when I'd go through checking doors and windows. "Afraid someone's gunna get you?!" I'd say I'm not going to find out! I knew when I was in 6th grade to lock our dang doors!

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ChuckYooFarly 9 months ago

Agreed, Ms Chz.

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